Wednesday 13 January 2010

Here's to you...

Hi y'all!

Sorry, we have just been to Alabama to meet with our USA WedgeWellingtons and I am still trying to wear the accent off. We had the best time whilst we were out there and I just want to send a big thank you to 'y'all' that made that happen for us. We can see big things happening with great people to make them happen. Thanks for your hospitality guys, we had a blast! :)) x

Now to more pressing issues, New Year Resolutions!? I would give you my list but I really don't think you have the time to read it what with having to conentrate on your own as well! I wonder how successful we will be at maintaining them this year?? Good luck!

We are doing a very exciting collaberation with a very BIG designer label which I cant spill too much on at the moment but watch this space...I will reveal plenty more very soon!

Hope you all had a fabulous festive season and until next time, "here's to you" and a very happy WedgeWelly New Year from all at Bootcamp.

Love your sole x
